Dairy Innovation Hub video promotes Discovery Farms research
The Ruark Lab was recently awarded a Short-Term/High-Impact research grant by the Dairy Innovation Hub (DIH). Dr. Ruark explains the components of the grant in a video for the DIH titled The shovel-ready projects of the UW-Discovery Farms. The DIH is funded with state support to harness research and development in the area of dairy production systems, with four key priority areas of (1) stewarding land and water resources, (2) enriching human health and plant nutrition, (3) ensuring animal health and welfare, and (4) growing farm business and communities (https://dairyinnovationhub.wisc.edu/). The Discovery Farms® program is a farmer-led research and outreach program within UW-Madison Division of Extension. The research funded here will allow for the continued analysis of water quality, nitrogen use efficiency, and soil health datasets generated over the past decade. Our end goal is to utilize these dataset to to develop recommendations for farmers and consultants to improve water and soil quality in Wisconsin.
This article was posted in Extension, Nutrient Management, Sustainability, Water quality.